To be honest, I hesitated to use a post title like this one. I didn’t want to look spammy or unreal in any way. After all, there are so many overly hyped “methods” and even “scams” that would promise such results and I didn’t want to be numbered among those. However, I decided to continue with this title anyway, because what I am going to layout in this post is NOT an unreal un-achievable thing. On the contrary, it is absolutely do able. In fact, I am achieving this and so too are thousands of other bloggers.
The thing to bear in mind with my own achievements as well as all the other bloggers making more than $1000 per day is that I and they all have one thing in common…. We are all using a specific strategy, or method that works. I am going to cover this strategy right here….
Your blog is going to be one of your most important assets. Notice that I said “one of”. This is a mistake so many bloggers make. Their entire focus is around the blog being the vehicle to bring in the money. In reality, the blog is just one of your traffic landing pads, albeit, a very important one. There are others though that I will introduce to you as I outline these 6 steps.
Your blog should be very focused. Avoid setting up a blog that covers multiple niches. I have seen blogs supposedly specialize in food, sport, marketing and parenting. That is crazy. A blog like that can not be taken seriously. How can a blogger have expertise in all these subjects. Your niche should be in marketing, or dieting or photography for example, but not lots of unrelated niches.
When you have your blog in place on a specific niche, you will need to add high quality unique content that people in your niche are going to love. If you feed your target audience with irresistible content, they are far more likely to purchase from you and or opt in to your email list (which I will come to shortly).
You will need to put out as much high quality content as possible. The more you can do, the more traction you will gain. If you add Google analytics to your website, you will see a rapid increase in traffic to your site as you put out more and more content. That is even without any SEO work that you can and should do to increase your search engine visibility.
In step 1, I said that the blog was just one important asset. The landing / squeeze page is equally important. In actual fact, the landing / squeeze page is the asset that you use your blog to send traffic to.
This is what it is and how it works…
The image above is an example of a landing / squeeze page. Its purpose is to convert a visitor in to an email subscriber. In my example above, you can see that I have a video that people can watch and I am offering a FREE Video training series.
There is a powerful headline and a place for the visitor to add their name and email address. When they do, they get added to my email list / autoresponder and the page then directs them automatically to the next stage in the lead funnel.
The amount of text you add to this page needs to be minimal, and this example is probably as much as you can add. The text needs to be compelling. So much so, that the visitor wants to have the training and clicks the download button.
What you offer is up to you. In the industry, we call them “lead magnets”, which are irresistible mini products. These “Lead Magnets” can be an Ebook, a video, and audio file, templates etc. The most common form is an Ebook or PDF report of some kind. I will go in to this more a little later.
When the visitor has entered their email address, they will be taken either to a bridge page, an up sell offer or simply the “Lead Magnet” delivery page. It is up to you how you build out your lead / sales funnel.
There are quite a few landing page builders about. Clickfunnels is probably the most well known. However, it is expensive, and if you are not using its full functionality, it is probably not worth you going down a paid landing page route.
My recommendation is that you use a free WordPress plugin called Landing Page Builder . This plugin is a page builder software that lets you have complete control over your landing page design, just like you would have with Clickfunnels. With the Landing Page Builder plugin, you will be able to make your landing page look like my landing page example above.
If you do go ahead and use the Landing Page Builder plugin, you should be aware that it is heavy in code, and it will have an affect on the performance of your site from the view of load time. That will negatively affect your ranking in Google which you obviously don’t want.
My recommendation therefore, is that you have a new WordPress site on a new domain and use that site to install the plugin. You can also create multiple different landing pages for different purposes if you wish, and it won’t affect your main site performance at all.
You need to get yourself an autoresponder. An autoresponder is a web based software that enables you to do the following: –
Typically, autoresponders can be quite expensive, however, Aweber, a high profile autoresponder service is now providing free account for new users. The free accounts allow you to use their service at no cost until you reach 500 subscribers. Then, and only then will you be charged for the service.
Aweber is seen by many as the industry leader and has possibly the best delivery rate & reputation in the industry, so I strongly recommend you check this out and use Aweber as your choice of autoresponder.
Click here to check out Aweber Free Autoresponder
Building your email list should be a high top priority focus for your blogging business. You should build your subscriber base and have a pre written email campaign set up in your autoresponder that will automatically be sent out, or rather dripped out, 1 email each day or every other day.
The email content will need to be good value. It can be any or both of these: –
Whatever you send will need to engage with them, so make it interesting. This will be the start of your relationship building. As you build relationship, your subscribers will begin to trust you, and will be far more likely to buy from you when you recommend something
You need to create a “Lead Magnet”. Remember I mentioned in step 2 that you needed a “Lead Magnet”. That is a mini product that you give away in exchange for a visitors email address.
You can have just 1 “Lead Magnet” or several different ones that focus on different factors of a niche. For example, your niche might be online marketing, and you could have the following “Lead Magnets” in place to capture the email addresses of people in your niche with different needs, where your “Lead Magnets” would be valuable for them: –
It is important that your “Lead Magnets” provide good value. Avoid using PLR for your give away product. They usually offer low value. However, if you are able to find high quality PLR and you have the “rights” to give it away as a “Lead Magnet”, then it will be fine.
Be aware, that the quality of the product your give away will be a reflection of the quality of your business, so it is important that you over deliver on your give away product.
It doesn’t need to be a big thing. Take the 3 examples I gave above. They can just be just 5 to 10 page PDF manuals that you can actually create in just a couple of hours. You don’t necessarily need to know the answers yourself. You can research it on Google for example.
I guess this is the most exciting step. Actually, it is the focal point of your business.
Making money or method of monetization needs to be carefully selected. Most bloggers just add ads to their site, and by doing so, miss out on the big potential.
Here are the 3 top monetization strategies for you to use with your blog and your blogging business: –
Creating your own products and selling them on your blog and using your autoresponder to drive your subscribers to your offers is the most profitable means of monetizing your blog and email list. You can create products such as these: –
With affiliate products, you can do affiliate product blog reviews. You can do a blog post review and email your subscribers telling them to check out your product review. Incidentally, you should email your subscribers when ever you do an important blog post. If all your blog posts are important, tell them about all of them.
You can get involved with product launches as an affiliate. You can run email campaigns on those throughout the duration of the launch. You can also do a product review on the launch product.
Offering sponsored posts on your blog is a good means of monetizing. If you are starting out, no one will be interested. That is because your site either won’t have traffic, or it won’t have any authority. However, after a while of you posting high quality content, you will start to get those visitors, and people will start linking to you and your authority will start to increase. When you are that stage, you will get regular requests from people asking to guest post. At that stage, you should have a page on your site that has your criteria of what a sponsored post needs to meet, and you should have a buy button so those people can purchase.
Sponsored posts are a bit down the line though if you are new to this.
Driving traffic is an essential aspect of this business, and there are a number of strategies you can adopt including: –
The cheapest way to get traffic for a blogger is to create as much high quality content and let Google send organic traffic. It is free, and targeted. There are even ways you can increase the amount of traffic Google sends you, and that is by carrying out specific SEO steps that will increase your authority and trust and raise your search engine visibility, which in turn, will give you more targeted traffic.
Traffic from social media can also be powerful. It can be free too. It is a good idea and practice to set up your social channels and be active there. I am aware that you can only do what you can and that you will only have so much time available. Anyway, as your blogging business increases in success, you could set up bit by bit your social pages. These are the 4 you should focus on: –
These are in order of general priority, although, depending on your niche, Instagram might be more important than Facebook.
YouTube can be a good source of traffic, so if you are able to, it will be good practice to create a YouTube video for your most important posts.
Pinterest can be a huge traffic provider and is often under used by bloggers.
As I said, do what you can and build your social channels when ever you can to maximize your traffic potential
I can only provide you with so much content to establish a profitable blogging business on a blog post.
I have created a training package called “Money Online Blueprint”. It is a master training for people that seriously want to make in excess of $1,000 per day.
I strongly advise that you get this training. I won’t give you a link to the product though. Instead, I want to show you what the training is all about. In fact, I would like to show you ALL the steps to this “Powerful Blogging” income strategy.
I developed this strategy and applied it myself. Within 5 months, I went from virtually “broke”, to a 7 figure income in just 5 months. That’s how powerful this strategy is. I’m not saying you will get the same results as me, but I am saying this so you can see how incredible the cutting edge training is. Also, many of my students have been able to achieve financial freedom as a result of following this training / blueprint
As part of the training, I show this, my latest blog in the training that I refer to in ongoing member coaching webinar training. This blog, at the time of writing is brand new, as is the Money Online Blueprint training, so I wanted to create this to show my students examples that I use in mentoring them.
If you would like to see my FREE video training series that outlines this amazing, powerful strategy, then click this button below and enter your name ad email address and be prepared for what will probably be the best training you have ever seen.
I hope this post has inspired you. I would love to help you succeed, where you can realize the opportunity and potential to achieve financial freedom with your blog.
The opportunity and potential for success has never been greater than it is right now, and the opportunity for success is on the increase.
It has never been a better time than now to start your own online blogging business.
As I said, I would love to help you achieve financial freedom with a blog, so please, click on the button above and let me help you. There is no commitment required as I layout my amazing strategy, so please, let me help you, only if it is to watch my free training videos.
All the best